So you're here. x
If you know me personally, you either earned this side of me or somehow stalked your way here. If you don't know me, you probably stumbled here by chance. I don't write for an audience; any views on this site reflect, to some degree, how I want to portray myself to me and me only. It's an exercise in creative coding, an outlet that isn't social media, and a diary of sorts.
buttons x
To-Do List x
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title x
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Nunc eget est in lectus ornare cursus. Etiam lobortis pharetra tortor, ac egestas lectus ultrices vitae
Who am I? x

my identity: always under construction.

i am not anonymous, and i don't want to be. i'm more American than Chinese. i only existed since 2003. i'm nearsighted and righthanded and lost. i'm inv(isabel). i do not intend to scare you on tomorrow's feed or your email inbox. i do not exchange this handle like an eye or an eye, a follower for a following. i do not write to sell my soul like a tennis shoe.1

i believe i should write as if my words run through radio waves, imperceptible except to those who know where to tune in. i do not know of your existence and won't stop to inquire your intentions — unless you prefer to announce your presence in my guestbook.

it's far too possible to find me elsewhere; a couple queries on conventional search engines and i once again become a falsely polished presentation on the white background of a corporate website. but wherever else you find me, this is the only place i remain, invisabel and invisabel and invisabel. i'm here because i believe the handmade web can become a transformative tool for self-expression and identity formation. i'm here because i'm more than the 10-second stories or 10-photo slides of curated moments with snarky one-line captions. i'm here because i'm imperfect, and won't pretend to be otherwise. the internet can be a beautifully flawed place if we make it so.

1. "Pandora's Vox: On Community in Cyberspace" (1994)

image x

Layout made by Itinerae.
Image from tumblr.
oh hi there!x




have you seen her?x